Friday, January 22, 2010

"What Next?" A Retreatant Shares Her Experience of a Charis Retreat in Atlanta

I have attended two Charis Young Adult Retreats. The retreats were titled “What’s Next” and the main focus was on transitions.

My whole life has been planning for the next step: half day kindergarten to full day 1st grade, learner’s permit to driver’s license, college to full time job.

I had now reached the definition of adulthood “college graduate with a full time job” but I didn’t feel like an adult and I didn’t feel satisfied. For the first time in my life I did not know what my next step was. I did not have children, a husband, a house, or even a job I liked- I was feeling lost and unsure about what I was supposed to do with my life.

A girl from my prayer group saw a flyer for the Charis Retreat and suggested that we go. The weekend gave me new perspective and enlightenment. I realized that I was not the only person that was questioning their newfound adulthood and did not know what direction their life was going.

The weekend was broken down into sections: Group leaders would share their personal transition stories, small group discussions, silent time, and prayer. I enjoyed the silent time that allowed me to reflect upon what was important in life and what I wanted to make a priority. The small group discussions were helpful in providing me with courage to speak to others about my uncertainties.

I did not come away with all of the answers or my “next step” but I did strengthen my trust in God and realize that many other young adults are unsure of their future.

-Heather S.

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