Friday, May 22, 2009

Where is God in my prayer?

Last night at Holy Name Cathedral, Charis concluded the speaker series within the Living Ignatian series. Beth Knobbe spoke about different types of Ignatian prayer and ways we can incorporate them into our own lives. She also lead us through a prayer of our imaginations.

If you missed the talk, check it out on YouTube, or download the podcast on iTunes.

~Lauren G

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Charis podcasts on iTunes-check them out!

Want to find out what you missed at recent Charis Ministries events? Podcasts of some of our speakers and retreat talks are now available on iTunes. Just search "Charis Ministries" in the podcast section and then subscribe to the podcasts.

Right now, check out some of our recent Living Ignatian speakers and talks from the For the Least retreat.

Don't want to use iTunes? No problem. You can subscribe directly to the RSS feed and listen online by clicking here.

Happy podcasting!
Lauren G.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

For the Least: We Mean Business

If you are like me, you fear retreats. It's not a deep fear. Just a little part of you scared stiff that your weekend might entail sitting around the campfire singing "Kumbaya."

Fear not. The social justice...err, I mean For the Least retreat just might be for you.

Like any retreat, the weekend revolved around a number of talks. These aren't Catholics speculating about the meaning of their faith; they are living it. A professor of Ecology building green spaces on the tops of roofs and making diesel fuel out of french fry grease(!); A woman working to overturn destructive laws that target refugees and immigrants; Catholics lending a helping hand overseas (or in their own country) who are victims of war, genocide or grueling working conditions.

This retreat could have just as easily been called For the Least: We Mean Business. I found myself challenged to think about my own actions on the grandest scale: how my tiny behaviors, when multiplied, contributed to the burden of social injustice in the world. If your idea of focusing on your faith means "thinking about your faith in action," then you've found your place.

I wasn't sure what to expect over this past weekend, but what I got were: 1) A lot of questions and 2) A lot of inspiration. The issues of social justice will always be difficult. The gray areas are many, and the solutions are never easy to come by. But there is empowerment in education and the hope that one small difference, when multiplied, fulfills the will of God.

- Vincent L.